Investing in Art: Part 1

Paint lays and looks different on canvas than on clay. Clay needs bolder and brighter colors! 
This vase needs more life and more depth. It’s not what I envisioned.

I grew up loving painting art and creating my visions out of clay. I learned to notice shades and tones of colors, lines, and silhouettes. When I was little, I always liked my art creations. Only when I grew older did I learn to understand that it takes lots of work and effort to have my vision   reflect in my art exactly as I dreamed and thought!  For some pieces, I think: it’s OK, less often I look at my artwork and think: I love it!

I worked half of the year on that vase in the shape of a flying bird. Seventeen times I made it and crushed it: it was not what I saw in my mind!  My heart cried when I closed my eyes and saw its elegant curvature and deep vibrant colors. I opened my eyes; the art piece was not even close to my vision. What I made was nothing to me. It went back in the pile!!!

Seventeen times, I eased my pain by tossing it back into pot with clay!
One night, I saw it in my dreams, it was right in front of me! I got up, and I didn’t stop working on it until it was done! The eighteenth time I finally got it right!!!!

That vase! I glance at it when I pass the shelf rack in the Art Hub, standing lonely on the bottom shelve.
No one sees it the way I did. It means so little to them!
But for me, it’s a little beacon of warmth, of spring and hope!

You see, this is the way artists in a small town live and work. All of us create art because this is our way of living. We love it!  We gather our culture and art in small art hubs or art shops.

Look at Western Australia, for instance,  Pinjarra Art Hub (Pinjarra Arts Hub | Makers Shop + Art Workshops — Edenvale Heritage Precinct) or Manjimup Arts Hub (Manjimup Arts Hub).

When it comes to art pieces, it’s investment. More funds circulate in big cities, so investments are larger. There are big galleries, lots of promotion for the ones who work in the area. The competition is severe, and things like agents, and other marketing efforts come to play.
When it comes to talent , to art creations, it doesn’t matter where you live, how old you are, or your social status.
Constant search for realization of visions for artists completes the constant search for art piece by art lovers and collectors!

How do you select and invest in art?

More content to follow…

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